
US Ethiopia Launch New $2.2 B Productive Safety Net Program

The PSNP was first established with U.S. support in 2005. As the largest donor, USAID’s contribution accounts for over $550 million.  PhotoÖ US Embassy. Addis Abeba, March 29, 2021 – Today, the United States joined the Government of Ethiopia and development partners to launch the next five-year phase of the Productive Safety Net Program (PSNP). […]

US Ethiopia Launch New $2.2 B Productive Safety Net Program Read More »

Ethiopia: Investigation reveals evidence that scores of civilians were killed in massacre in Tigray State

The second filling of the GERD will not impact our interests, assures Egypt’s FM Egyptian Foreign Minister Sameh Shoukry reassured Egyptians that second filling of the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam will not negatively impact them, as Egypt still has the Aswan High Dam reservoir to rely on. “We have confidence that the second filling of

Ethiopia: Investigation reveals evidence that scores of civilians were killed in massacre in Tigray State Read More »