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Galloping a Dying Horse: the US and TPLF Gliding through a Blind Allay! By Aregawi Berhe (PhD) December 14, 2021

Galloping a Dying Horse: the US and TPLF Gliding through a Blind Alley! Aregawi Berhe (PhD) The unholy alliance between the US Administration and TPLF was made public in London in 1991 after long clandestine dealings of the two parties to subject Ethiopia to secret bidding. Thereafter, the former together with its junior partner, the

Galloping a Dying Horse: the US and TPLF Gliding through a Blind Allay! By Aregawi Berhe (PhD) December 14, 2021 Read More »

The Century-Old USA-Ethiopia Wax and Wane Relationship and the Tigray Region Crisis By Prof. Mesfin Genanaw October 2021

The Century-Old USA-Ethiopia Wax and Wane Relationship and the Tigray Region Crisis “One always measures friendships by how they show up in bad weather”Winston ChurchillBy Mesfin Genanaw The relationship b/n the USA and Ethiopia dates back over hundred years when the two countries signed a Treaty of Commerce in 1903 by Republican US President Theodore

The Century-Old USA-Ethiopia Wax and Wane Relationship and the Tigray Region Crisis By Prof. Mesfin Genanaw October 2021 Read More »

Input from US Needed to Resolve Ethiopian Crisis By Araya Amsalu October 2021 (Source: The Enquirer -Cincinnati.com)

Input from US is needed to resolve Ethiopian crisis Araya AmsaluOpinion contributor (Source: The Enquirer – Cincinnati.com)   Around a million members of the Ethiopia diaspora have made the United States their home. I have lived here since 1991, and I view myself as a proud American and a proud Ethiopian. My connection to my

Input from US Needed to Resolve Ethiopian Crisis By Araya Amsalu October 2021 (Source: The Enquirer -Cincinnati.com) Read More »

Who Said What at PM Abiy Ahmed’s Inauguration – October 4, 2021 (Source: Ethiopian Monitor)

Who said What at the Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed’s Inauguration October 4, 2021 Ethiopian Monitor ADDIS ABABA – Abiy Ahmed has been elected as a Prime Minister of Ethiopia for a new five-year term.   He took the oath of office, administered by Supreme Court Chief Justice Meaza Ashenafi, on Monday morning. In the afternoon,

Who Said What at PM Abiy Ahmed’s Inauguration – October 4, 2021 (Source: Ethiopian Monitor) Read More »