Gabriel Daniel

AEPAC’s Statement on UN Commission on Human Rights in Ethiopia’s Report

We are puzzled by the UN Commission on Human Rights in Ethiopia’s report. It is full of contradictions, there is a desperate lack of data and in a conflict that has impacted tens of millions, they have interviewed just 180 people. Worst still, they failed to interview anyone from Afar, a region devastated by the

AEPAC’s Statement on UN Commission on Human Rights in Ethiopia’s Report Read More »

AEPAC’s Statement on U.S. Special Envoy for the Horn of Africa Hammer’s Work in Ethiopia

“The recognition of the humanitarian situation in Afar and Amhara as well as Tigray, the explicit support for the African Union peace process, and the commitment to the unity and territorial integrity of Ethiopia, all signal support for Ethiopia and its people.” “However, it still does not go far enough. Lasting peace will only be

AEPAC’s Statement on U.S. Special Envoy for the Horn of Africa Hammer’s Work in Ethiopia Read More »