
Tigris Ethiopia crisis

AEPAC’s Response to the “Building on Steps to End the Conflict in Ethiopia” Statement from the Secretary of State

AEPAC Chairman Mesfin Tegenu: “We welcome Secretary Blinken’s statement and acknowledgment of the efforts the Ethiopian Government is making in the pursuit of peace. We are also reassured by the reference to a unified and sovereign Ethiopia, the TPLF’s attempts to tear the country apart, in the Welkait region and elsewhere, over the past 30

AEPAC’s Response to the “Building on Steps to End the Conflict in Ethiopia” Statement from the Secretary of State Read More »

Tigris Ethiopia crisis

HR600 and S3199 have not been paused, both bills are continuing through the normal legislative process

It is vital the American Ethiopian community and our supporters continue the campaign to stop these bills becoming law. After 18 months of a devastating conflict, initiated by the TPLF, Ethiopia has finally started on a path to peace and rebuilding. These bills pose a critical threat to that progress and Ethiopia’s future. If Congress

HR600 and S3199 have not been paused, both bills are continuing through the normal legislative process Read More »

Tigris Ethiopia crisis

A statement in response to today’s Amnesty report – April 6, 2022

The conflict in Northern Ethiopia has been painful and heart-breaking for all Ethiopians. That is why all efforts, including those by the United States, should be focused on maintaining the current truce and helping the country rebuild. “Since June 2021 government forces have not been present in the Tigray region. Instead, it’s TPLF rebels who’ve

A statement in response to today’s Amnesty report – April 6, 2022 Read More »

Tigris Ethiopia crisis

Response to Ethiopia Peace and Democracy Promotion Act of 2021 Statement from AEPAC Chairman Mesfin Tegenu – March 30, 2022

Last week, following a visit by US Envoy David Satterfield, the Ethiopian Government announced a unilateral and indefinite humanitarian truce. But now, the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations has decided to punish Ethiopia for the hard-earned progress it has made on the path to peace. “The wide ranging sanctions set out in S3199 will be

Response to Ethiopia Peace and Democracy Promotion Act of 2021 Statement from AEPAC Chairman Mesfin Tegenu – March 30, 2022 Read More »

Response to Senator Menendez’s press statement – March 22, 2022

The American Ethiopian community remains disappointed and outraged that Senator Menendez continues to espouse propaganda put forth by a terrorist organization that is bent on overturning the democratically elected Government of Ethiopia. In sending statements like this, Menendez is supporting a group that has laid siege to Ethiopia, destroying lives and committing atrocities with no

Response to Senator Menendez’s press statement – March 22, 2022 Read More »

AEPAC Statement on EHRC’s call for a Criminal Investigation – March 15, 2022

AEPAC fully supports the call by the Ethiopian Human Rights Commission for a criminal investigation into the reports of a person being burnt alive in Ethiopia. We welcome the Ethiopian government’s commitment to take action against those responsible for the horrific act. There is no room for such barbarism in today’s Ethiopia. This must act

AEPAC Statement on EHRC’s call for a Criminal Investigation – March 15, 2022 Read More »