Press Releases

Ethiopian PM Statement on Joint Investigation Team Report of the EHRC/UNOHCHR – November 3, 2021

A statement with respect to the Joint Investigation Team Report of the EHRC and UNOHCHR We take note of the report of the Joint Investigation Team (“JIT”) of the Ethiopian Human Rights Commission (EHRC) and the UN Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) released into alleged human rights violations and abuses committed

Ethiopian PM Statement on Joint Investigation Team Report of the EHRC/UNOHCHR – November 3, 2021 Read More »

Tigris Ethiopia crisis

AEPAC Chairman Statement on Joint Commission Report of the Investigation on Human Rights in Tigray – November 3, 2021

“This joint investigation has helped build an important understanding of the reality on the ground during the early stages of the conflict.  There has been an immense amount of misinformation and unfounded allegations set against the Ethiopian Government and its forces by the TPLF and international bodies. This report dispels many of those, and it concludes that accusations the government

AEPAC Chairman Statement on Joint Commission Report of the Investigation on Human Rights in Tigray – November 3, 2021 Read More »

Keep Ethiopia in AGOA: take action to protect Ethiopian jobs – 28 September 2021

At AEPAC, we have become highly concerned that the United States is planning to remove Ethiopia from The African Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA). The Act provides the people of Ethiopia a lifeline at a time of extreme hardship for the country. It funds business development and is estimated to directly contribute to around 300,000 Ethiopian jobs. In turn,

Keep Ethiopia in AGOA: take action to protect Ethiopian jobs – 28 September 2021 Read More »

76th Session of the UN General Assembly Statement by Demeke Mekonnen Deputy PM/Foreign Minister of Ethiopia – 24 September 2021

Accused by agenda-and-revenue driven media, convicted by misguided politics, we are now facing a unilateral coercive measure. Ethiopia opposed coercive measures, when it was applied against others, we advise against its application on Ethiopia. Prescriptions and punitive measures never helped improve situations or relations.

76th Session of the UN General Assembly Statement by Demeke Mekonnen Deputy PM/Foreign Minister of Ethiopia – 24 September 2021 Read More »

Senator Chris Van Hollen (D-Md) Statement on Ongoing Situation in Ethiopia – September 10, 2021

SEPTEMBER 10, 2021 VAN HOLLEN STATEMENT ON ONGOING SITUATION IN ETHIOPIA   Today, U.S. Senator Chris Van Hollen (D-Md.) released the following statement regarding the ongoing situation in Ethiopia: As the situation in Ethiopia continues to worsen, I remain deeply concerned by the evolving conflict and repeat my calls for all parties to come to

Senator Chris Van Hollen (D-Md) Statement on Ongoing Situation in Ethiopia – September 10, 2021 Read More »

Press Release- President Biden should rescind its Executive Order regarding the crisis in Ethiopia – September 17, 2021 Ethiopian American Civic Council

President Biden Should rescind its Executive Order Regarding the Crisis in Ethiopia September 17, 2021 The Ethiopian American Civic Council strongly objects to President Joe Biden’s executive order authorizing sanctions against officials in Ethiopia for simply taking part in defense of the territorial integrity of Ethiopia and the rule of law. It negates the fact

Press Release- President Biden should rescind its Executive Order regarding the crisis in Ethiopia – September 17, 2021 Ethiopian American Civic Council Read More »

PM Abiy Ahmed

An Open Letter to President Joseph R. Biden Jr. From the Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed of Ethiopia – September 17, 2021 Addis Ababa

An Open Letter to President Joseph R. Biden Jr. Dear Mr. President, As I write this open letter to you, it comes at a time when innocent civilians including women, children and other vulnerable groups in the Afar and Amhara regions have been violently displaced, their livelihoods disrupted, their family members killed, and their properties

An Open Letter to President Joseph R. Biden Jr. From the Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed of Ethiopia – September 17, 2021 Addis Ababa Read More »

Executive Order on the Crisis in Ethiopia – Statement by USAID Administrator Samantha Power September 17, 2021 USAID

EXECUTIVE ORDER ON THE CRISIS IN ETHIOPIA Statement by USAID Administrator Samantha Power For Immediate Release Friday, September 17, 2021Office of Press Today, President Biden signed an Executive Order (E.O.) establishing a new sanctions regime that authorizes the United States to target any party responsible for or complicit in actions or policies that are

Executive Order on the Crisis in Ethiopia – Statement by USAID Administrator Samantha Power September 17, 2021 USAID Read More »

Press Statement – Archbishops of the North American Dioceses of the Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church September 19, 2021 Washington D.C.

We, the undersigned Archbishops of the North American Dioceses of the Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church have completed a two-day working visit to Washington DC from September 15 to 16, 2021. The objective of our visit was to meet and discuss with relevant US officials about the current situation in Ethiopia. We had intensive discussions with

Press Statement – Archbishops of the North American Dioceses of the Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church September 19, 2021 Washington D.C. Read More »

Statement on “an open call by African intellectuals for urgent action on Ethiopia” August 29, 2021 By Global Ethiopian Scholars Initiatives

Recently a group that calls itself African intellectuals issued an open statement to take urgent action in reference to conflict in Tigray region of Ethiopia . Global Ethiopian Scholars Initiatives ( GESI) board was disappointed by such development and the full response is attached.

Statement on “an open call by African intellectuals for urgent action on Ethiopia” August 29, 2021 By Global Ethiopian Scholars Initiatives Read More »

AEPAC Chairman Letter on TPLF Child Soldiers to Blinken, Menendez, Risch, Meeks, Bass, McCaul, Smith, Van Hollen, Rounds & Guterres – July 18, 2021

19th July 2021Anthony J. BlinkenSecretary of StateU.S. Department of StateWashington, D.C. Dear Secretary Blinken,As the Executive Chairman of the American Ethiopian Public Affairs Committee (AEPAC), I write to urge public condemnation and concrete action regarding the abhorrent use of child soldiers by the Tigray People’s Liberation Front (TPLF) in Ethiopia.Images of the TPLF providing arms

AEPAC Chairman Letter on TPLF Child Soldiers to Blinken, Menendez, Risch, Meeks, Bass, McCaul, Smith, Van Hollen, Rounds & Guterres – July 18, 2021 Read More »